A step by step to an abundant life

In recent months, my personal and professional lives have undergone phenomenal changes and I wanted to share a little bit about that with you, including how I managed to manifest each of these things in my life. All mysteries will be revealed!
If you already follow me on Instagram, you'll have noticed that the last few months have been very busy here with sessions, events, work and leisure trips, as well as many new projects materialising.
Many of these things were happening because I had planned them for a long time and I knew that in the middle of the year everything would happen at once. Whilst others I didn't imagine would happen, such as being invited to participate in events and retreats and to hold Moon Ceremonies in person again after 8 months!
But don't think that things just "happen" to me. It took a lot of internal and external work for me to get where I am today and every day I work in a deeper way on my fears, insecurities and saboteurs. We are all light beings in constant evolution, but together we can overcome anything and become even stronger! Keep reading to understand how all this happened.

I believe that the changes have been gradual and in recent years I have made decisions and worked on many issues that were preventing me from being fully happy and abundant. Among them was, for example, the feeling of impotence: that no matter how hard I tried, how many hours a day I worked, I still wasn't getting the results or living the life I said I deserved.
Of course, at the time I didn't realize so clearly that I was the cause of the reality in which I was living. That's when I started studying and reading a lot about abundant mindsets and scarcity beliefs and slowly realised many of these patterns I was getting caught in myself. This impotence mindset I mentioned to you, for example, was one of the great villains of my journey. How could I hope to change my reality if deep down I had given my power to situations and other people, instead of taking control of my life?
I made a decision. Enough is enough. I started to take back control, organize my financial life, stop complaining about what wasn't flowing and completely eliminate from my life what was out of line with the reality I wanted to live. I started investing my money and that of my business, I took my business to another level of professionalism and fluidity and I started doing only what made my heart vibrate.
I let go of clients who didn't value my work, my time and the price I charged, I stopped focusing on projects that were draining my energy, I distanced myself from people who weren't aligned with my new reality and little by little things started to change. I repeat, this was little by little. Yes, I was in a hurry, as I'm sure you are too, but the universe does not operate on our time, but in the right time, the Divine time. As a result, I also worked on my patience and confidence in my intuition that the path I was following was correct and that I needed to keep moving forward.

Once I started making these tweaks, I maintained them and kept trying to improve them even more. Several times a month I go back to reflecting on my reality and if there is still something that is vibrating in scarcity, including thoughts and beliefs. If I identify something, I will soon work to change it.
As a result of all these changes I've been making over the last few years, but especially in the last year and a half, I'm living in a period of great happiness!
In the last few months I participated in several Workshops, including some outside England, all paid for by my business! Something I never dreamed of doing so soon. And you know what? Of course I had budgets, but at no point during these trips did I think "oh, I can't eat out, or have a coffee on the street because I'm broke". Nowadays I know how to manage my money and I know exactly how far I can go.
I also bought new work equipment, something that had been essential for a long time and I kept putting it off. I also celebrated my Honeymoon with my love by going on a Safari in Kenya and then relaxing in The Seychelles. All this, during this year only! Not counting the beginning of the year when we went to Malaysia to visit my husband's family and at Christmas and New Year when we went to Brazil to see my family.
And why am I telling you all this? Because 3 years ago I couldn't have done any of that. I was even afraid to buy a coffee in the street because I didn't know if I would have enough money to pay the bills at the end of the month.
I charged very little for my sessions and I always had the feeling of "oh, it's because I'm helping people" or "I feel sorry that she can't afford it". But the reality is that I was the one who was in that vibration and that's why I ended up attracting clients who also thought and vibrated in scarcity.
Nowadays I am not afraid to charge for my work the amount that I think is fair and correct. I know how much I've studied, how much I've invested and continue to invest in my business, in my development and in my growth, and I know what I deserve.
I also no longer treat a large number of clients per day, because in addition to all the work outside the sessions that a businesswoman has, I also value my time with my family, my freedom and my rest. That to me is also abundance.
And I'm SURE you can do that too and get even further than I've already come. This is actually one of my biggest dreams, seeing my clients flying higher than I ever dreamed of reaching. Because after all, the more abundant people in this world, the better it will be! And remembering that abundance is not just about money, but also about freedom to do what you want when you want, and in with feeling complete with what you do and being happy!
If you've come this far and feel ready to start this healing journey towards an abundant life, contact me and I'll tell you how I can guide you on this path. Because it's such a beautiful and rewarding path to be in!
