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What is Reiki?

Writer's picture: Tatiana DuarteTatiana Duarte

For hundreds of years, forms of energy healing, both face-to-face and remote, have been practiced by many people and cultures around the world, from shamans and Reiki practitioners to spiritual healers.

Reiki is a natural and non-invasive technique of harmonizing, healing and replacing energy. This method works as a powerful instrument for transmuting negative energies into positive ones.

The word Reiki is of Japanese origin and has the following meaning:

Rei means universal and refers to the cosmic energy of the universe that is in everything and everyone;

Ki is the individual vital energy that is present in all living organisms.

Therefore, the word Reiki brings these two aspects together and can be translated as "universal vital energy".

Reiki energy is an energetic frequency of love, health and harmony, which comes from the universe and is available to everyone, regardless of the situation, location or person who receives it.

Distance Reiki is the practice of sending Reiki to someone without them being present in the same location as the practitioner. This energy can be sent to anyone in the world and you receive the same benefits as from an in person session.

Essentially, both in person and distance Reiki works in the rebalancing of the energy points of our body, called chakras. If one of these chakras becomes out of balance, certain problems can arise in our physical, mental, emotional or spiritual bodies.

Because it has no limit in time and space, Reiki energy can even be sent to a past trauma, minimising mental and emotional consequences, as well as to a future event, such as a job interview, or a trip. This is because Reiki energy is multidimensional and operates in the fourth dimension, where the law of time/space does not exist. Unlike the third dimension (physical plane), in the fourth dimension there is a continuum - there is no separation between past, present and future.

Benefits of Reiki

Some of the benefits of having regular Reiki sessions are:

  • Balance and alignment of chakras (energy points);

  • Decreased body tension and increased relaxation;

  • Decreased levels of stress and anxiety;

  • Harmonisation of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health;

  • Immune system improvements and detoxification;

  • Releasing emotional blocks;

  • Release of past or present traumas;

  • Promoting of calm and well-being;

  • Expansion of consciousness;

  • Supporting of spiritual growth.

Advantages of Reiki

Reiki is a simple method, but at the same time it is very effective and some of its advantages are:

  • Breaking the barrier of time and space;

  • It is a holistic practice, that is, it works on every being as a whole (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as one);

  • It has no polarity, i.e it is always safe and harmless, having no side effects or contraindications;

  • Expanding your consciousness;

  • It does not become obsolete;

  • No diagnosis of pathology or dysfunction is necessary for the technique to work effectively;

  • It can be applied to adults, children, animals, plants, food and drinks;

  • It has no religious connotation;

  • Reiki can be used alone, as well as in combination with other healing techniques such as flower essences and crystal healing.

Would you like to book an in person or online Reiki session?

If you feel that this healing method can help you, book a Holistic Therapy session with me today and start your healing process!

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